SATS (Ordinals)
Exchange SATS (Ordinals) to Flux
Exchange SATS (Ordinals) to Flux instantly, without registration and hidden fees. Full automation, maximum speed and the best exchange rates.
Adappter Token

Exchange Adappter Token to Comedian
Exchange Adappter Token to Comedian instantly, without registration and hidden fees. Full automation, maximum speed and the best exchange rates.
Stargate Finance
Exchange BENQI to Stargate Finance
Exchange BENQI to Stargate Finance instantly, without registration and hidden fees. Full automation, maximum speed and the best exchange rates.
Drep [new]
Ethereum Classic
Exchange Drep [new] to Ethereum Classic
Exchange Drep [new] to Ethereum Classic instantly, without registration and hidden fees. Full automation, maximum speed and the best exchange rates.
Wrapped Bitcoin
Exchange AdEx to Wrapped Bitcoin
Exchange AdEx to Wrapped Bitcoin instantly, without registration and hidden fees. Full automation, maximum speed and the best exchange rates.

First Convicted Raccon Fred
Exchange AirDAO to First Convicted Raccon Fred
Exchange AirDAO to First Convicted Raccon Fred instantly, without registration and hidden fees. Full automation, maximum speed and the best exchange rates.